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Air pollution and human life



Air pollution is a major threat to our health. The air we breathe is the most important source of sustaining life on earth. Breathing clean air is essential for good health. Air pollutants are categorized as either primary or secondary. Exposures to hazardous chemicals in the air can cause cancer, as well as damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys

Air pollution is rising at an alarming rate and is a major threat to our health.

Air pollution is rising at an alarming rate and is a major threat to our health. It's a serious problem worldwide, but the impact of air pollution on public health has been largely overlooked in developing countries. In fact, there are few studies that have looked at how air quality affects human health in low-income countries.

Air pollution can cause serious illnesses such as lung cancer, heart disease and strokes—and these diseases are often seen as preventable through simple measures like wearing masks or washing hands after using public transportation (or simply by avoiding exposure altogether).

The air we breathe is the most important source of sustaining life on earth.

The air we breathe is the most important source of sustaining life on earth. The atmosphere consists of gaseous substances which are mixed with water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases. Air is made up of oxygen and nitrogen, as well as other inert gases such as argon (a noble gas), krypton (an unstable radioactive isotope) and xenon (an element).

The atmosphere surrounds us at all times and extends some 35 km into space above our heads; it's what we breathe!

Breathing clean air is essential for good health.

Air pollution is a serious problem that affects all of us, but it's most detrimental to the health of young children. Children are more sensitive to air pollution because their lungs are still developing and their bodies need clean air for optimal development.

Airborne particles like soot, dust and smoke can irritate or damage eyes, nose and throat; irritate breathing passages; cause heart disease (including congestive heart failure); increase risk of stroke; increase risk of cancer in people who already have an increased risk due to other factors such as smoking or occupational exposure

Air pollutants are categorized as either primary or secondary.

Air pollutants are categorized as either primary or secondary. Primary pollutants are emitted directly into the air, such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. Secondary pollutants are formed in the atmosphere from primary pollutants, such as ozone and particulates.

Primary: Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Secondary: Ozone (O3)

Particulate matter is a mixture of tiny solid particles suspended in or near the air. The particulate matter can be harmful because it blocks sunlight, which can lead to increased energy consumption by plants and animals who use photosynthesis to create food sources for humans to consume

Exposures to hazardous chemicals in the air can cause cancer, as well as damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys.

When you're exposed to hazardous chemicals in the air, your body absorbs them and they become part of your body.

Exposure to hazardous chemicals in the air can cause cancer, as well as damage to the brain, nerves, liver or kidneys.

Exposure to hazardous chemicals in the air may also cause damage to lungs by increasing respiratory tract irritation and injury by inhalation of irritants.

Sources of indoor air pollution include tobacco smoke, wood fires, cockroaches, dust mites, and mold.

Air pollution is a major health concern in many parts of the world, especially in developing countries. It can come from many sources including cigarette smoke, wood fires, cockroaches and dust mites. These sources cause respiratory problems for people who live with them every day.

In addition to causing respiratory problems such as asthma or bronchitis it can also lead to cancers such as lung cancer as well as other types of cancer such as prostate cancer or uterine cancer.

Indoor air pollution leads to diseases like lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonaery disease (COPD) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

Indoor air pollution leads to diseases like lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonaery disease (COPD) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

Indoor air pollution is caused by tobacco smoke, wood fires, cockroaches, dust mites and mold.

Chronic respiratory diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) can be caused by indoor air pollution.

  • Chronic respiratory diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) can be caused by indoor air pollution.

  • Outdoor air pollution also causes these diseases, but it's more difficult to measure than indoor air quality.

  • Both outdoor and indoor pollutants contribute to the development of chronic lung disease.

Breathing unhealthy air can also worsen medical conditions such as asthma and heart disease.

Breathing unhealthy air can also worsen medical conditions such as asthma, heart disease and lung disease. Air pollution is linked to increased risk of stroke and heart attack, according to the American Lung Association. In addition to breathing in harmful substances when you're outdoors, the pollutants often come from cars and trucks that drive through your neighborhood on the way to work each day.

To minimize your exposure to this pollution:

  • Avoid riding share services such as Uber or Lyft because they put inexperienced drivers behind the wheel who may not have been properly trained on how much time it takes for them to get where they're going without endangering other drivers' lives as well as pedestrians' safety (and vice versa).

  • Consider using public transportation more often instead of driving alone in order for yourself or others around you not only stay safe but also avoid wasting precious resources needed elsewhere—like fuel consumed by cars traveling shorter distances between destinations than longer ones might require."

Outdoor air pollution that devastates our lungs through smog and soot also seeps indoors, infiltrating our homes and offices so tightly sealed to conserve energy.

Air pollution is a problem for all of us, but it's especially dangerous for people who breathe through their noses. The thin layer of mucus that lines the inside of our noses and lungs helps filter out dust, dirt and other particles before they can reach our bodies' more sensitive areas. But when we breathe in air polluted with tiny bits of soot or sulfur dioxide (SO2), these pollutants can cause inflammation—and even damage to cells in the lining of your nose and lungs. This can lead to respiratory problems such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath or bronchitis; they're also linked with asthma attacks and hospital visits due to chronic bronchitis symptoms like chest tightness or wheezing — which affects millions worldwide each year!

Accordingly it seems natural--and reasonable--that outdoor air pollution would also infiltrate indoors where most people spend most time: home offices are often filled with NO2 emissions from cooking appliances used indoors; cigarette smoke lingers long after someone has left their workspace; pet dander settles everywhere around our homes unless cleaned regularly (which isn't always easy).

Air pollution has become a major cause of respiratory problems worldwide.

Air pollution is a major cause of respiratory problems worldwide, and it's rising at an alarming rate.

Air pollution is the result of burning fossil fuels such as coal and oil. These fuels produce harmful chemicals called particulate matter (PM), which can damage your lungs when inhaled over long periods of time. Many cities around the world have become overcrowded due to rapid urbanization, which increases exposure to air pollutants like PM2.5 and ozone. In addition, climate change has caused seasonal variations in temperature that lead to increased humidity levels during summer months when people are outdoors more often than winter months when they're indoors spending most of their time indoors because it's too cold outside without any clothes on!

The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 3 billion people worldwide suffer from chronic lung disease due to breathing polluted air every day -- this includes asthma attacks as well as daily coughing fits caused by irritation caused by inhaling fumes coming from cars exhaust pipes especially if there's not enough ventilation inside vehicles so drivers don't notice how bad things really are until after awhile...

Air pollution is affecting our lungs and causing resipratory problem

Air pollution is a major cause of respiratory problems worldwide. It can lead to lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), which are responsible for more than two million deaths each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The WHO has also estimated that air pollution cuts about 9 million lives annually because it aggravates asthma, heart disease and other ailments. This means that air quality affects everyone's health in some way or another—and even if you don't have serious medical conditions yourself, your lungs may still be affected by the pollutants you breathe into them every day.


Air pollution is a major threat to our health. It's time we take action.



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